Friday, 23 December 2011

"wrapping up for christmas"

Ha - well the work year is over...

Now the family times begin.  First one is a lunch with my family and the the family of the guy who works for me (we have a small businesses - 2 man)
He has three small kids.  My teenagers and I are joining his family for some company sponsored McDonalds.  Simple, easy, no fuss, everyone will enjoy it, and most of all relaxing.

Next family event - 25th - til mid day when its just my crew (6 of us, Me, my partner and the 4 teenagers) - then we split up - the kids go to the other parent... and my partner and I go to the next family thing. 
My Parents place - with two of my sisters for the balance of 25th

A few days rest before the next one - 30th My Partners birthday and we meet up with her parents, sister, (not sure if here brother will be there)...

So lots of "family" stuff

Yes I will enjoy it!!  Hope you get to enjoy your families too, where ever they are.

buon natale

Monday, 19 December 2011

Seems legit

Martin Rowson cartoon via Guardian

Hitch - A man worth knowing

I've nearly finished Christopher Hitchens memoir Hitch-22. The more I read the more I would have liked to have met this man. Sadly this will never happen now - following his early demise at the end of last week.

I have spent some of the last two days reading various tributes to him.  And the praise has been plenty.  So, I suppose I will have to continue getting to know him through his written works (of which there is plenty enough to keep me going).  And its seems fitting that the written word is how he will continue living in us, and not in some sort of supernatural after-life, because he is no more.  Pure and simple.

Richard Dawkins tribute mentions the Hitch as a fighter against totalitarianism.  And this makes a lot of sense to me.  Religion is a totalitarian concept, and, well, who would willingly accept living under a dictatorship, even a divine dictatorship?

So, I am sad to have missed an opportunity to meet this man, and sad also that I have only come to know of him in the last few years of his life.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Of coffee and stuff

At work we now have most of the equivalent espresso equipment that you find at a regular coffee house cafe.  Except its in a "baby" version.

The "baby" grinder. As in the grinder produces a consistent grind like a cafe does, buts it a little smaller. It has the fancy burrs, comes from Italy, and yadda yadda yadda

The espresso machine is also similar, but smaller than a regular cafe espresso machine.  It has the pressure gauge, milk steaming thingy, and other bells and whistles - just what a good Barista would like to see.

We also have the thermometer for the milk.  Scales to measure the correct amount of grind.  Beans are procured each week and kept cool and airtight

Now when I say we - I mean Andrew.  Me - well I fund it, and he gets to play out his love of coffee.  For convenience sake I tend to make an instant coffee.  But I suppose now that we have accumulated all this kit I had better learn how to use it.

Hope it tastes nice!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Huh - and now its the last day of November!

Well - what have I been doing?

Not writing on my blog....

I spend my work day alternating between actual work, and reading stuff of interest on the net.  I have developed a specific interest in a few writers/thinkers.  Whom have a specific interest in espousing the issues around theists.  In other words, why shouldn't an atheist outlook be the standard mode of life as we know it.

And in reading and listening to these people I have concluded that we (us - this mammalian race that we are) would be better served by being atheist.  That is: To not believe in a super-natural being.

So, that is what I have been doing with my mind.

Body wise - I have lost another 3 kgs this last month.  The loss-rate is slowing.  I would like to get to the low 84kg mark and then keep it there.  Another 2.5kgs to go.  Probably take until the holidays to achieve this.

What do I do to get this weight off.  "Its all about the food"  Almost.  About 75% of weight loss is food related - in my opinion.  So I eat healthy all day: a balance of proteins, fruit and vege.  At night I eat what we cook for the whole family and then make sure I have small portions.

The evenings are hard.  A couple of times per week I will have wine with our meal, snacks, etc.  Generally this acts as treat and the weight still comes off.

Exercise: Running (2-3 times per week - One long 60+min, plus shorter 25min).  Free weights in Gym (4-5 times per week) Group Classes(Circuit Training 1-2 times), and Swimming (twice per week)
Seems like a lot, but it helps my mental attitude.

...and that's what I have been doing...

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Wow - November already!! - Who knew??

Its that time of the year when Christmas starts to seem close enough to feel real.

Locally we have a few short weeks, and a party style feel to things as the Melbourne Cup plus our own "Show Day" rolls through.
Thoughts of the rest period around Christmas means that it is harder to get motivated to get the usual day to day stuff done. 
I'm doing my work admin so that fee invoices can be generated.  Procrastination is running amok, hence the post to my blog... Capping this off is the sudden arrival of warmer days and the harsh reality that our heatpump (now broken) will not be fixed by the landlord - argh the joys of free rent


Thursday, 27 October 2011

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Great quotes

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." - Dr Richard Dawkins

“Organised religion is violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children.” ― Christopher Hitchens

Thursday, 30 June 2011

The speculation is.... over!

The picture speaks for itself - "This ass is mine :-)"

Pleased about this...

The results of this survey are a sign that people are noticing and (hopefully) starting to think for themselves

As I read more about atheism and the consequences of religious thought on society, I can see that there is a huge problem with the "moderates".  By moderates I mean those individuals who believe in a personal god and who allow those with similar faiths to be extreme about it.  While we (as a society) can cry out about the extremists amongst us, its the moderates within there own religious communities that are allowing these "crazies" to operate.In my opinion, this goes against the natural morals and norms of our societies. 
Promoting atheism is fine, however the "Back-fire Effect" ensures that atheism will not convert those moderate religious individuals (yes, we can influence the fence sitters).

Or maybe, if atheism is promoted, then the "leaders" of these institutions will start preaching a more crazy line and dis-affect the moderates from within.  Is that too subtle?  Or does this survey suggest that there is hope?

Why am I worried?  I don't live in the US, however, the US does have an influence on the world.  The religious moderates/extremists seem to be very intent on being political.  And if the effect of George Bush is anything to go by, the rest of the world should be worried if we get more of the same or worse from the leadership of the US.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Nicely put...

Tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, etc etc

Monday, 18 April 2011

Ricky is ... well brilliant, really
I enjoyed reading his Easter Message.  Couldn't say it any better.  Mind you I don't think I would have scored a perfect 10, but it I would be a 7 or 8 definitely.

"Good without God"  always


Friday, 1 April 2011

Been a bit busy to care...bothered? - yes actually

Dad finally got me on the phone today.  He had emailed me and he had left messages for the last few days.

I have been preoccupied with this software implementation that has gone live today (not without a few hiccups!)

Anyway - Dad got in touch (I answered his call...) and he lets me know that he has been down south to see the widow of his twin brother (my aunt) as yesterday was the first anniversary of his passing away.  My father was very close to his twin (as most twins are).  Dad is 72, and for the last 5 or 6 years the two of them would talk every day (by phone), sometimes twice a day.  They were inseparable as kids.

So, I have been feeling a little sad all day.  I enjoyed my uncles company, and more so because of how close Dad was to him.  So for me to not call Dad back earlier etc and talk to him about the significance of yesterday was not right by my standards.

So, bothered? Yes definitely.  I'll call him again tonight...

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Love my Partner !!

Woke up too early this morning.  Restless, thinking about the software implementation that goes live tomorrow.  Still needed to sleep, but mind was running through the list of things that needed to happen, not the least the need to postpone a meeting that would "steal" time away from this project.

M knew what was going on.  And she knew just what I needed to relax.  It might have been brief, and it was all about me, yet it was just right!

Perfect start to the day!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Marketing 101

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm fantastic in bed." That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He's fantastic in bed." That's Advertising.

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Telemarketing.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink. You open the door for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her a ride, and then say, "By the way, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Public Relations.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, "I hear you're fantastic in bed." That's Brand Recognition.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Busy week...

Updating my blog with a post - seems wasteful use of my time...  I have lots to do this week.  New client goes "live" at the end of the week.  The last 4-5 days for an implementation usually has lots of small jobs to be done - and usually one large one (that got forgotten about!!)

So - keeping it short.

Had a great weekend with M.  Both our kids were away for two nights.  We didn't go anywhere, but managed to have some good "us" time.  Good mending time!


Thursday, 24 March 2011


Life!  Has a happy knack of biting us in the arse...

Us blokes might like to look tough on the outside but inside we are all gooey!  I had a nearly 18 year marriage.  It ended in 2005.  I'm still messed up from it.  My partner knew my Ex.  Even last night she mused that it would be ironic(tragic actually) if we split up because of her... She knows that I'm damaged goods.

So, I'm a recovering marriage-holic.  Never fully cured!  Not addicted to marriage , more like poisoned by the marriage.  Yes, I get better with time.  But when we get stressed (as I have been lately - Fucking Earthquakes - one woke us last night)  then the little things trigger our defense mechanisms and look out - we are back in our Man-cave "We don't speak"

Sorry - to say it seems to be a very common problem amongst us man-folk.

This has me thinking about a book by Celia Lashlie "He'll be OK: Growing Gorgeous Boys into Good Men"
The book is about womens understanding what is going on in a boys world when they are growing up through the teenage years.  As a consequence of this she learns a lot about Men.  She noticed that the men she spoke too always stopped to consider her words before answering - In other words, there were silences between when she spoke and when they spoke.  The men had been concentrating on what she was saying, then processed it, considered a response then spoke. She realised that other men knew this was going on, but as a women she had to learn this.
Anyway - Lots of good stuff in this book.  Highly recommend it !!
(A book about men - written by a women so that it could be taken seriously!!)

Where was I? Oh yeah - well never mind - this seems like a good point to stop this blog entry


I mentioned in an earlier blog the term KAB.

Know All Bastards!

I work in IT.  Mostly in Business Analysis/Business System Sales.  I did enjoy moments in my career in Computer Sales and Programming.  But now its me selling my own Business Software.  Consulting to my clients on their Business Processes etc - and getting my staff to develop the programs - hopefully you get the idea

So how does this have anything to do with KABs?

Back in the days when I was selling PC's - XT, AT, 80386 etc  (Yes I'm OLD - shut-up)
I got to meet lots of people interested in computers.  I was mostly interested in people using them for their businesses and tried to focus on that.  However, there were always those individuals who were tyre kicking around for a good deal.

Anyway - back to KABs  They are well meaning people who need to share their "superior" knowledge.  Often they have a career that relies on accuracy as a component.  They used to "bust my balls" ensuring that I knew that they knew as much and hopefully more about computers as they did.  I never really got why they needed to do this, as the point was lost on me totally. 

And the point of knowledge that I had that they never had was... I knew what they were doing, and I ignored it, much to there disappointment. 

Now there are certain industries that lend themselves to having KABs.  I'm not going to make this easy and tell you.  I'm sure you probably know of a few yourself....

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

So, I was thinking...

Each day I spend a little time (probably too much) reading some atheist blogs. 

If anyone asks about my thoughts on religion then I let them know that I'm an Atheist.  However, I don't if the company I'm with would either be possibly offended or if me stating this would cause the conversation to go in a direction it doesn't need to, as in make me the center of the discussion.

I am having trouble with that line of reasoning, mainly because it is deceiving and in essence lying to myself and my beliefs. 

So, I have been thinking, that I need to have more confidence about the whole atheist topic and to be more confident about why.  Hence the reading.

Their is a long blog post coming about how I got to this point, and certain amount of anger/disappointment about a girl who forced me to decide...  argh, teenage angst ! (and it was a long long time ago...)


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Client rant....

My business supplies Business Application software to medium sized businesses.  (I enjoy it !) Anyway it's the sort of stuff that allows the business to do its thing - in other words it is important that it is running every day etc

Well, we all too often run into KAB IT Technical people (because we dont do this sort of stuff for our clients) who go in and fuck around with the clients servers and Wow - suddenly our software not working so well and guess who has to clean it up.  They do it because they think that what they do is the only thing happening - like teenagers actually)

So, under the current situation (frayed nerves - lack of sleep) I feel like yelling at someone (I did actually call, but counted to 10 and emphasized our "situation"...)

(KAB - Know All Bastards)

Monday, 21 March 2011


We had a decent aftershock last night (5.1 etc)

Just before heading to bed.  Reflecting on my reaction I noticed that I swore out loud at "it"  The aftershocks can hit you fast, others seem like they rumble towards you like a train, and others make you feel like you have just ridden over a small wave on the sea.

There is always that moment when you think: Is this one going to develop in to something I need to care about?  As in dive under a table or under a doorway?

Why?  Well, when you have experienced 5024 aftershocks since Sept 4 2010 you know you need to stop and think about it.

So last nights one was a "Fucking Bastard", but not quite worth diving under a table

Friday, 18 March 2011

Been a tough year already...

Half way through March 2011.
Just finished a bout of hurting the one I love - not my best moment.  The stress from all the shit that's happened this year has been huge, and the adrenaline has worn off and it seems that there is none left in the tank...

Why so stressful? you ask...
The year started with the big "moving in together"  Two houses in to one, two teenagers joining two more teenagers.  After packing up my house and organising the moving, the actual day involved getting all my stuff to the new house, then getting all of M's stuff to the new house - big day, lots of decisions (Are we using my washing machine or hers, does the plates go in this cupboard or the other) - Sounds silly, but when there are a lot of these questions it eventually gets to you.

And then the 22nd of February - a 6.3magnitude earthquake rocked our city, killing (number not finally confirmed yet) possibly more than 200, and injuring many more.  Our new home was now unsafe.  An un-re-enforced brick wall was shaken to bits with a lot of it in the neighbours driveway - and during one aftershock narrowly missing her!  So we evacuated the kids and started to move ourselves (M and me) into the sleep out in the back yard.  Thankfully the sleepout is more of a large studio (no water services though).  That didn't matter just then as the whole area didn't have water - or power for a short while.

We didn't sleep!! - A night away at my parents (an hours drive away in Ashburton) allowed us to get a good nights sleep and showers.  Then back to our home and started moving stuff out of the house - very nervous about the cracks opening up and the brick wall coming down, along with the house.  We managed to shift everything out and get stuff stored either in the Studio/Sleepout with us, or at friends places.

An insurance building assessor arrived a week after the quake and said - Shit! that wall had better come down and a timber frame put back up to make the place safe.  He got a team straight on to it and there instructions were to make it safe.  However, the house then became unlivable as the kitchen and bathrooms became unserviceable due to the bits they had to take down.  No guarantee of when the "actual" repairs would be done - hell - most of the city is needing work done.

So we moved in to a place that wasn't damaged - lucky to find a house to rent!  Third shift in 5 weeks - Did I mention that shifting is stressful? 

We have put the kids in the bedrooms, and M and I sleep in the conservatory.  Not that pleasant for us, however the kids are reasonably settled.

Business? Well it was looking like 2011 was going to be the best year for me.  It might be still, however, every business is working in these strange times and even if they hadn't been affected, their staff usually have, or their customer base is affected.  So, we will have to wait and see...

I'm not huge on this blog thing, however, I do like reading other peoples thoughts and musings on various topics.  Maybe I should get into it and use this as a vehicle for my thoughts on various topics.

Do I care if anyone stops by and reads - no, that's not the point.  I will just write as if I'm speaking to a bunch of people who get together for drink and like to "shout at trees" as a form of therapy.
