Thursday, 24 March 2011


Life!  Has a happy knack of biting us in the arse...

Us blokes might like to look tough on the outside but inside we are all gooey!  I had a nearly 18 year marriage.  It ended in 2005.  I'm still messed up from it.  My partner knew my Ex.  Even last night she mused that it would be ironic(tragic actually) if we split up because of her... She knows that I'm damaged goods.

So, I'm a recovering marriage-holic.  Never fully cured!  Not addicted to marriage , more like poisoned by the marriage.  Yes, I get better with time.  But when we get stressed (as I have been lately - Fucking Earthquakes - one woke us last night)  then the little things trigger our defense mechanisms and look out - we are back in our Man-cave "We don't speak"

Sorry - to say it seems to be a very common problem amongst us man-folk.

This has me thinking about a book by Celia Lashlie "He'll be OK: Growing Gorgeous Boys into Good Men"
The book is about womens understanding what is going on in a boys world when they are growing up through the teenage years.  As a consequence of this she learns a lot about Men.  She noticed that the men she spoke too always stopped to consider her words before answering - In other words, there were silences between when she spoke and when they spoke.  The men had been concentrating on what she was saying, then processed it, considered a response then spoke. She realised that other men knew this was going on, but as a women she had to learn this.
Anyway - Lots of good stuff in this book.  Highly recommend it !!
(A book about men - written by a women so that it could be taken seriously!!)

Where was I? Oh yeah - well never mind - this seems like a good point to stop this blog entry

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