Tuesday, 23 October 2012

My Dad

I love my Dad - a lot

I have just driven my Mum and Dad to the Hospital.  Actually the Oncology Dept - Radiology.  Dad has cancer (Melanoma)  He is about to get his second round of radio-therapy to reduce the size of some lumps in and around his abdomen.

Dad doesn't want to admit where this is going - In fact he is in near complete denial.  How do we know this?  He recently signed up for a local gym - A membership that is 36 months long minimum.  He was told he had 6 - 9 months to live about 13 months ago, so he is living on borrowed time now.  He thought that if he went to the gym and exercised his legs he would get more mobility and that he would be carrying on for another 10 years... 

Actually it's sad to think about how he is thinking.  Nobody wants to bust his bubble and why should we.

So, I sit here at work waiting for the call from Mum to hop in the car and pick them up from the Oncology Entrance.  And see Dad hobbling along.  He is just 74 years old.  That seems so young in today's society.

I want Dad to have another 10 years, but not if it is living with pain, discomfort and a poor standard of living.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Great line...

"Never explain yourself to anyone.  Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who dislikes you won't believe it..."

Monday, 26 March 2012

I think my computer is full

A client called me yesterday (Sunday).  I know him well.  Well enough to call him a friend.  He and his wife came to my wedding in 1987  (I now divorced and in a great relationship with a beautiful woman who understands me so well)

Anyway - he called and said that he thought he needed to update his computer as its probably full.  I helped him purchase it a few years back.  I have been helping him and his former trucking business with computer issues for quite a few years now and he trusts me explicitly.  In other words, he would purchase/spend anything I tell him in relation to computers etc.

I don't abuse this trust and he knows that I look out for his interest in this regard.

Back to "Its probably full"  To many non-computer people it seems easier to understand that a computer can get full (like a filing cabinet might get full), when thinking about the age of the computer... trouble is, its usually not "full"   Far from it.  In fact from a "full" point of view its got years and years left in it.

The issue nowadays is the constant demand of the various pieces of software installed on our computers to update/upgrade - install the latest patch etc.  These incremental steps place expectations on the hardware to be faster or have more cpu/ram capacity.  And its these things that are actually "full"  The storage capacity on most computers now is so huge that for most personal users to come close to filling it up they have to be seriously saving stuff.  Not books, but huge images and media files. 

So, "probably full" is a scenario that makes sense to my friend, and now he wants me to look at his needs again as he actually needs to start emailing documents instead of faxing....

Friday, 23 March 2012

So, why am I so angry?

Great question!
Idiots of course - but that is a matter of opinion.  So really, who?

The religious...  well yes.  Even the moderates, yes them too.

We are all free to believe what we want.  However there is a good saying "You have the right to your beliefs, but you do not have the right to your own facts"

So, while we have untestable hypotheses based on false premises about how we came to be here and our purpose in life, then we should be a little angry. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Born this way!!

This link (yes click the title) is a great read.

I have read a few books like Hitchens "Good is not great!", and Dawkins "The God Delusion".  I came away from those books feeling a little angry at our religious communities.  Seeing them for the scourge on society that I believe them to be.  Asking myself: How could we let these things happen.

To me: Religion = Hate.  Yes, that's right, somewhat the opposite to love.  Religion creates segregation, and a state of mind that says "If you are not with us then you are against us"

The blog posting that I have linked to here helps me put into perspective how we can think this way.  I like the easy to read style of the concept and it makes sense.  Eases the angst!

I'm looking forward to part two

One of the commentators to the blog entry also adds value.I have cut and pasted the notes below
There is ample evidence for the fact that children are born with a propensity towards teleological thinking. That shouldn’t surprise anybody, as ID and creationism are childish ideas, i.e. perfectly ok in childhood and somewhat strange in adults. Science and reason are cultural techniques that have to be learned and fostered. How could it be otherwise?
Rather than insisting on atheism being natural we should embrace and emphasize the fact that religious belief belongs to the childhood, not only of the individual, but of the species as a whole.
Science and reason are at a disadvantage in early childhood, quite naturally. Superstitious thinking has a headstart in children. This can and should be turned into an argument for more and better science education.

So, Can we as a society reach a stage that religious ideas can be entertained as a Child (like Father Christmas) and then become superseded as an Adult with Logic and Reason.?

Friday, 9 March 2012

Scumbag Scales !

I am in a constant state of weight management - otherwise I so easily slip up to the mid 90kgs and start feeling shit about myself etc

Anyway - this week I was keeping the exercise going strong, keeping to my food plan (reasonably close) and each day my scumbag scales said I was 88.4  - yes every day

Needless to say - I was suspicious...
And then to day - miraculously the scales said 87.0  WTF !!  Did I really drop 1.4kgs in a day.  I definitley didn't poop any more than usual, I ate a big healthy meal last night (Beef casserole, veges and mash spuds) and a glass of wine, some orange juice, and corn chips.  So not like I was attempting a huge loss day (and believe I have done this)

Anyway - very happy - on my way to target 93kgs

Friday, 2 March 2012

Having trouble with the young ones? eh?!!

This article written on a Youth Ministry website/blog

Here are my thoughts on it...

While "tongue on cheek" it may be.  There could also be the reason of "reason".  Young people are able to read more independently, are being asked to be more critical thinking about there own studies and school work, more self aware, etc etc

What does that mean? Well, it means that when you offer a religious solution to issues you need to be credible.  The young ones are applying those critical assessment skills and finding your images/words/programs to be wanting.  In other words, the prevalence of atheism is growing.

In other words, the young are realising that life is something we live today.  There isn't a second chance and there is no after-life/reward.  Morals are part of who we are and not prescribed to us.  Growing and reproducing is a natural part of our species (same as other species) and not something to be ashamed of and described in abhorrent terms.

So, live life now!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Two hands...

"Too hands working will always do more than a thousand hands clasped in prayer"

Not sure who to attribute this quote too.  But I do like it!


A sentiment that I share....

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

First of Feb

Fuck I had just typed in a huge post and now it's gone.

So this is all you get

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Well its the second week of work for 2012.

The good news is that I have managed to shed nearly 6 kgs of weight in the last week and a half.  The bad news is that I put 7kgs on in the 3 to 4 weeks before that.

Needless to say I ate up large over the xmas and new year break (yum yum)

Back to healthy diet, and gym junky...  One thing I have been focusing on is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - short (25-40 minutes) start/stop exercises that get the heart rate up, and work a combination of muscles using mostly body-weight.  This maximises the After-burn effect.

Work is slowly ramping up as various clients start returning to work and start thinking about implementing ideas they had over the break period.

I too have my things that I want to do for the year...  more on that later
