Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Well its the second week of work for 2012.

The good news is that I have managed to shed nearly 6 kgs of weight in the last week and a half.  The bad news is that I put 7kgs on in the 3 to 4 weeks before that.

Needless to say I ate up large over the xmas and new year break (yum yum)

Back to healthy diet, and gym junky...  One thing I have been focusing on is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - short (25-40 minutes) start/stop exercises that get the heart rate up, and work a combination of muscles using mostly body-weight.  This maximises the After-burn effect.

Work is slowly ramping up as various clients start returning to work and start thinking about implementing ideas they had over the break period.

I too have my things that I want to do for the year...  more on that later


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