Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Born this way!!

This link (yes click the title) is a great read.

I have read a few books like Hitchens "Good is not great!", and Dawkins "The God Delusion".  I came away from those books feeling a little angry at our religious communities.  Seeing them for the scourge on society that I believe them to be.  Asking myself: How could we let these things happen.

To me: Religion = Hate.  Yes, that's right, somewhat the opposite to love.  Religion creates segregation, and a state of mind that says "If you are not with us then you are against us"

The blog posting that I have linked to here helps me put into perspective how we can think this way.  I like the easy to read style of the concept and it makes sense.  Eases the angst!

I'm looking forward to part two

One of the commentators to the blog entry also adds value.I have cut and pasted the notes below
There is ample evidence for the fact that children are born with a propensity towards teleological thinking. That shouldn’t surprise anybody, as ID and creationism are childish ideas, i.e. perfectly ok in childhood and somewhat strange in adults. Science and reason are cultural techniques that have to be learned and fostered. How could it be otherwise?
Rather than insisting on atheism being natural we should embrace and emphasize the fact that religious belief belongs to the childhood, not only of the individual, but of the species as a whole.
Science and reason are at a disadvantage in early childhood, quite naturally. Superstitious thinking has a headstart in children. This can and should be turned into an argument for more and better science education.

So, Can we as a society reach a stage that religious ideas can be entertained as a Child (like Father Christmas) and then become superseded as an Adult with Logic and Reason.?

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