Friday, 23 December 2011

"wrapping up for christmas"

Ha - well the work year is over...

Now the family times begin.  First one is a lunch with my family and the the family of the guy who works for me (we have a small businesses - 2 man)
He has three small kids.  My teenagers and I are joining his family for some company sponsored McDonalds.  Simple, easy, no fuss, everyone will enjoy it, and most of all relaxing.

Next family event - 25th - til mid day when its just my crew (6 of us, Me, my partner and the 4 teenagers) - then we split up - the kids go to the other parent... and my partner and I go to the next family thing. 
My Parents place - with two of my sisters for the balance of 25th

A few days rest before the next one - 30th My Partners birthday and we meet up with her parents, sister, (not sure if here brother will be there)...

So lots of "family" stuff

Yes I will enjoy it!!  Hope you get to enjoy your families too, where ever they are.

buon natale

Monday, 19 December 2011

Seems legit

Martin Rowson cartoon via Guardian

Hitch - A man worth knowing

I've nearly finished Christopher Hitchens memoir Hitch-22. The more I read the more I would have liked to have met this man. Sadly this will never happen now - following his early demise at the end of last week.

I have spent some of the last two days reading various tributes to him.  And the praise has been plenty.  So, I suppose I will have to continue getting to know him through his written works (of which there is plenty enough to keep me going).  And its seems fitting that the written word is how he will continue living in us, and not in some sort of supernatural after-life, because he is no more.  Pure and simple.

Richard Dawkins tribute mentions the Hitch as a fighter against totalitarianism.  And this makes a lot of sense to me.  Religion is a totalitarian concept, and, well, who would willingly accept living under a dictatorship, even a divine dictatorship?

So, I am sad to have missed an opportunity to meet this man, and sad also that I have only come to know of him in the last few years of his life.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Of coffee and stuff

At work we now have most of the equivalent espresso equipment that you find at a regular coffee house cafe.  Except its in a "baby" version.

The "baby" grinder. As in the grinder produces a consistent grind like a cafe does, buts it a little smaller. It has the fancy burrs, comes from Italy, and yadda yadda yadda

The espresso machine is also similar, but smaller than a regular cafe espresso machine.  It has the pressure gauge, milk steaming thingy, and other bells and whistles - just what a good Barista would like to see.

We also have the thermometer for the milk.  Scales to measure the correct amount of grind.  Beans are procured each week and kept cool and airtight

Now when I say we - I mean Andrew.  Me - well I fund it, and he gets to play out his love of coffee.  For convenience sake I tend to make an instant coffee.  But I suppose now that we have accumulated all this kit I had better learn how to use it.

Hope it tastes nice!