Tuesday, 18 May 2010

NZ Budget coming...

The top top tax break is being revised down.

So now the various people who get to pay proportionately the smallest amount of tax are complaining that the "rich" are gaining too much.  No matter that they have been paying more of their earnings in tax than anyone else, and they consume more therefore pay more in GST etc.

When those who earn more pay more in tax, then its an "Envy Tax" regime.  The socialists amongst you consider this the redistribution of wealth.

However the social problems create an even bigger disproportionate problem.  Those who pay the least in tax, usually consume the most in government services (health, education, policing, justice, prisons, welfare benefits).  In other words, those who pay the most do not get a fair share of that contribution to the centralised services of the country!!!

Now I don't mind helping out our fellow "man" when they are down or invalided.  And if the wealthier amongst us (btw, this isn't me, I have my own tax issues...) can afford to contribute more then fine, but not so much that they would rather live in, say, Australia.  Its these wealthier people who create businesses that employ people, and spend money.  WE NEED THEM, so don't piss them off too much, because they can afford to go somewhere else

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